
This notebook can be downloaded here: aruco_calibration.ipynb

Camera calibration using CHARUCO

import numpy as np
import cv2, PIL, os
from cv2 import aruco
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib nbagg

1. Marker dictionary creation

workdir = "data/"

aruco_dict = aruco.Dictionary_get(aruco.DICT_6X6_250)

fig = plt.figure()
nx = 8
ny = 6
for i in range(1, nx*ny+1):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(ny,nx, i)
    img = aruco.drawMarker(aruco_dict,i, 700)
    plt.imshow(img, cmap =, interpolation = "nearest")

plt.savefig(workdir + "markers.pdf")
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

2. Camera pose estimation using CHARUCO chessboard

First, let’s create the board.

board = aruco.CharucoBoard_create(11, 8, 10, 7, aruco_dict)
imboard = board.draw((500, 500))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
plt.imshow(imboard, cmap =, interpolation = "nearest")
plt.savefig(workdir + "chessboard.pdf")
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

And take photos of it from multiple angles, for example:

images = [workdir + f for f in os.listdir(workdir) if f.endswith(".png") and f.startswith("VID_20180314_141424")]

im =[10])
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Now, the camera calibration can be done using all the images of the chessboard. Two functions are necessary:

  • The first will detect markers on all the images and.
  • The second will proceed the detected markers to estimage the camera calibration data.
def read_chessboards(images):
    Charuco base pose estimation.
    allCorners = []
    allIds = []
    decimator = 0
    criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 100, 0.0001)

    for im in images:
        print("=> Processing image {0}".format(im))
        frame = cv2.imread(im)
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        corners, ids, rejectedImgPoints = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(gray, aruco_dict)

        if len(corners)>0:
            for corner in corners:
                cv2.cornerSubPix(gray, corner,
                                 winSize = (20,20),
                                 zeroZone = (-1,-1),
                                 criteria = criteria)
            res2 = cv2.aruco.interpolateCornersCharuco(corners,ids,gray,board)
            if res2[1] is not None and res2[2] is not None and len(res2[1])>3 and decimator%1==0:


    imsize = gray.shape
    return allCorners,allIds,imsize

=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_290.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_335.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_175.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_260.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_370.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_30.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_5.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_320.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_150.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_265.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_210.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_85.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_250.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_165.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_255.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_55.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_195.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_200.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_60.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_80.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_215.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_205.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_305.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_70.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_315.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_65.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_380.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_15.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_45.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_240.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_35.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_330.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_180.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_130.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_390.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_120.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_400.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_155.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_220.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_360.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_300.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_235.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_365.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_345.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_340.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_355.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_20.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_115.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_185.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_245.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_105.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_310.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_10.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_25.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_140.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_40.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_270.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_100.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_110.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_295.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_375.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_160.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_405.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_135.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_395.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_50.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_125.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_275.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_0.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_285.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_280.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_95.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_75.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_90.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_145.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_350.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_190.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_230.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_225.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_385.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_170.png
=> Processing image data/VID_20180314_141424_325.png
def calibrate_camera(allCorners,allIds,imsize):
    Calibrates the camera using the dected corners.

    cameraMatrixInit = np.array([[ 2000.,    0., imsize[0]/2.],
                                 [    0., 2000., imsize[1]/2.],
                                 [    0.,    0.,           1.]])

    distCoeffsInit = np.zeros((5,1))
    (ret, camera_matrix, distortion_coefficients0,
     rotation_vectors, translation_vectors,
     stdDeviationsIntrinsics, stdDeviationsExtrinsics,
     perViewErrors) = cv2.aruco.calibrateCameraCharucoExtended(
                      criteria=(cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS & cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 10000, 1e-9))

    return ret, camera_matrix, distortion_coefficients0, rotation_vectors, translation_vectors
%time ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = calibrate_camera(allCorners,allIds,imsize)
CPU times: user 11.3 s, sys: 10.9 s, total: 22.2 s
Wall time: 5.78 s
array([[1.82907422e+03, 0.00000000e+00, 9.70018381e+02],
       [0.00000000e+00, 1.82396375e+03, 5.64679336e+02],
       [0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00]])
array([[ 5.77647646e+00],
       [ 2.81138209e-03],
       [ 2.04931051e-02],
       [ 1.36665086e+03],
       [ 5.10336618e+00],
       [ 1.33870881e+03],
       [ 0.00000000e+00],
       [ 0.00000000e+00],
       [ 0.00000000e+00],
       [ 0.00000000e+00],
       [ 0.00000000e+00],
       [ 0.00000000e+00]])

Check calibration results

i=3 # select image id
frame = cv2.imread(images[i])
img_undist = cv2.undistort(frame,mtx,dist,None)
plt.title("Raw image")
plt.title("Corrected image")
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

3 . Use of camera calibration to estimate 3D translation and rotation of each marker on a scene

frame = cv2.imread("data/VID_20180314_141424_335.png")
#frame = cv2.undistort(src = frame, cameraMatrix = mtx, distCoeffs = dist)
plt.imshow(frame, interpolation = "nearest")
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Post processing

gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
aruco_dict = aruco.Dictionary_get(aruco.DICT_6X6_250)
parameters =  aruco.DetectorParameters_create()
corners, ids, rejectedImgPoints = aruco.detectMarkers(gray, aruco_dict,
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 100, 0.0001)
for corner in corners:
    cv2.cornerSubPix(gray, corner, winSize = (20,20), zeroZone = (-1,-1), criteria = criteria)

frame_markers = aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(frame.copy(), corners, ids)

[array([[[ 621.     ,  972.     ],
         [ 701.     ,  969.     ],
         [ 709.82715, 1049.7007 ],
         [ 619.     , 1055.     ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[ 847.2396 ,  945.72266],
         [ 969.38995,  943.80817],
         [ 971.123  , 1068.5813 ],
         [ 846.4021 , 1070.483  ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[244.78148, 828.47906],
         [341.     , 845.     ],
         [352.81595, 951.9142 ],
         [233.71716, 952.73145]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[726.8156 , 822.9357 ],
         [848.2925 , 820.77747],
         [847.2396 , 945.72266],
         [723.4202 , 948.4776 ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1464.    ,  834.    ],
         [1549.7858,  817.7192],
         [1562.2096,  936.4745],
         [1474.44  ,  916.0094]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1202.7676 ,  817.2212 ],
         [1318.0548 ,  817.4417 ],
         [1326.7908 ,  939.2189 ],
         [1209.4231 ,  940.84424]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1191.0787 ,  587.5763 ],
         [1302.4027 ,  587.67444],
         [1309.4077 ,  696.56885],
         [1197.1561 ,  698.04144]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1093.    ,  500.    ],
         [1167.    ,  498.    ],
         [1191.0786,  587.5763],
         [1076.532 ,  588.4834]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[284.72723, 374.40637],
         [392.8324 , 372.20898],
         [385.58038, 478.16342],
         [275.34912, 479.37204]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1423.     ,  388.     ],
         [1505.6632 ,  376.44638],
         [1517.4326 ,  474.12766],
         [1410.2745 ,  476.39386]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1067.2129 ,  269.61798],
         [1177.2119 ,  269.69016],
         [1181.5264 ,  374.11893],
         [1070.249  ,  374.3764 ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[849.6194 , 268.4913 ],
         [960.5578 , 269.36526],
         [962.0218 , 374.2559 ],
         [849.7227 , 373.83377]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[627.9509 , 266.41553],
         [738.15485, 267.64926],
         [736.33246, 373.41757],
         [624.7238 , 372.56445]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[ 961.74927,  173.74501],
         [1061.6177 ,  174.64995],
         [1067.2128 ,  269.61798],
         [ 960.5578 ,  269.36523]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[742.5307 , 172.02827],
         [846.7603 , 172.7219 ],
         [849.6194 , 268.49127],
         [738.15485, 267.64923]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[318.66827, 184.43867],
         [406.767  , 168.85188],
         [400.8201 , 264.7916 ],
         [293.67133, 265.81296]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1087.626  ,  942.2079 ],
         [1209.4231 ,  940.84424],
         [1215.7225 , 1065.0857 ],
         [1092.1993 , 1066.6892 ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[ 967.6742 ,  819.2523 ],
         [1083.6823 ,  818.21716],
         [1087.626  ,  942.2079 ],
         [ 969.38995,  943.80817]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[ 374.     ,  971.     ],
         [ 477.05597,  951.8135 ],
         [ 468.81622, 1075.2206 ],
         [ 371.48587, 1055.1322 ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1350.    ,  959.    ],
         [1448.153 ,  939.1731],
         [1457.3159, 1061.4172],
         [1360.1149, 1041.5824]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[483.96588, 826.2725 ],
         [607.66144, 824.7236 ],
         [602.3229 , 950.1209 ],
         [477.05603, 951.8134 ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[393.4445, 730.7826],
         [471.    , 726.    ],
         [483.9658, 826.2725],
         [385.    , 809.    ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[630.     , 725.     ],
         [711.     , 724.     ],
         [726.81555, 822.93567],
         [607.66144, 824.7235 ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[867.     , 722.     ],
         [949.     , 722.     ],
         [967.67413, 819.2523 ],
         [848.2925 , 820.77747]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1098.     ,  720.     ],
         [1189.615  ,  721.7594 ],
         [1202.7676 ,  817.2212 ],
         [1083.6823 ,  818.21716]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1333.    ,  719.    ],
         [1418.965 ,  725.754 ],
         [1437.3319,  815.5953],
         [1343.6265,  809.7281]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[265.05103, 594.3574 ],
         [378.26273, 592.7059 ],
         [369.28116, 705.2608 ],
         [254.763  , 706.3264 ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[498.10806, 592.1523 ],
         [617.7701 , 591.5943 ],
         [612.09393, 703.04694],
         [491.22415, 704.63715]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[732.6115 , 591.00323],
         [849.3975 , 589.73444],
         [848.42834, 700.7467 ],
         [730.0566 , 702.22296]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[ 964.55273,  589.08484],
         [1076.532  ,  588.4834 ],
         [1079.3727 ,  698.8115 ],
         [ 966.80176,  699.71594]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1441.     ,  603.     ],
         [1528.1691 ,  588.53204],
         [1537.8229 ,  695.71027],
         [1458.9944 ,  685.63495]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[638.    , 500.    ],
         [717.    , 499.    ],
         [732.6115, 591.0032],
         [617.7701, 591.5943]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[867.     , 499.     ],
         [963.7391 , 478.3379 ],
         [964.5527 , 589.0847 ],
         [849.39746, 589.73444]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[406.     , 499.     ],
         [494.02493, 502.7837 ],
         [498.10797, 592.1522 ],
         [401.     , 575.     ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1317.     ,  497.     ],
         [1410.2745 ,  476.39386],
         [1418.0753 ,  585.7022 ],
         [1323.     ,  570.     ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1181.5265 ,  374.11902],
         [1288.7448 ,  375.0746 ],
         [1294.9125 ,  476.00323],
         [1186.5801 ,  477.40228]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[ 962.0219 ,  374.25592],
         [1070.2489 ,  374.37643],
         [1072.9188 ,  478.17056],
         [ 963.7391 ,  478.3379 ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[736.33246, 373.41754],
         [849.7227 , 373.8338 ],
         [849.0077 , 478.46964],
         [735.2992 , 478.96436]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[508.6434 , 371.5545 ],
         [624.7238 , 372.56445],
         [620.7678 , 478.14   ],
         [503.92432, 477.97134]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1304.     ,  285.     ],
         [1394.4258 ,  269.19562],
         [1400.6348 ,  372.73566],
         [1309.     ,  358.     ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[421.     , 281.     ],
         [514.4226 , 265.67953],
         [508.6434 , 371.5545 ],
         [415.     , 355.     ]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[1407.     ,  185.     ],
         [1474.6414 ,  186.77351],
         [1497.5245 ,  266.7342 ],
         [1394.4258 ,  269.19562]]], dtype=float32),
 array([[[523.3045 , 170.48518],
         [628.4742 , 171.3262 ],
         [627.9508 , 266.4155 ],
         [514.4226 , 265.67953]]], dtype=float32)]

Very fast processing !


plt.imshow(frame_markers, interpolation = "nearest")
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Add local axis on each marker

size_of_marker =  0.015 # side lenght of the marker in meter
rvecs,tvecs = aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarkers(corners, size_of_marker , mtx, dist)
length_of_axis = 0.01
imaxis = aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(frame.copy(), corners, ids)
for i in range(len(tvecs)):
    imaxis = aruco.drawAxis(imaxis, mtx, dist, rvecs[i], tvecs[i], length_of_axis)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
data = pd.DataFrame(data = tvecs.reshape(len(tvecs),3), columns = ["tx", "ty", "tz"],
                    index = ids.flatten()) = "marker"
data.sort_index(inplace= True)
tx ty tz
0 -0.087532 -0.048772 0.257729
1 -0.054511 -0.047499 0.251998
2 -0.024629 -0.048055 0.257198
3 0.005991 -0.049758 0.268442
5 0.081431 -0.058824 0.326002
6 -0.079812 -0.038866 0.288858
7 -0.039313 -0.033350 0.250634
8 -0.008749 -0.032765 0.247373
9 0.020734 -0.033026 0.251473
10 0.061540 -0.039601 0.304885
11 -0.085302 -0.018672 0.244017
12 -0.053047 -0.018335 0.240409
13 -0.023604 -0.018494 0.243766
14 0.006463 -0.019159 0.253297
15 0.037312 -0.019558 0.260479
16 0.077235 -0.021539 0.296672
17 -0.083106 -0.003714 0.293096
18 -0.045454 -0.003068 0.284015
19 -0.007825 -0.003470 0.240971
20 0.025637 -0.003440 0.293119
21 0.062923 -0.005190 0.299281
22 -0.084038 0.010719 0.233880
23 -0.052517 0.010378 0.232546
24 -0.023112 0.010349 0.235414
25 0.006908 0.010603 0.246166
26 0.037766 0.010496 0.252274
27 0.079958 0.012114 0.291410
28 -0.086678 0.033446 0.295406
29 -0.044910 0.031067 0.274396
30 -0.009170 0.030199 0.270019
31 0.024675 0.029263 0.266069
32 0.064121 0.031595 0.293612
33 -0.086579 0.041780 0.231959
34 -0.050911 0.038219 0.218577
35 -0.022517 0.038873 0.225428
36 0.006988 0.039363 0.231235
37 0.036482 0.039194 0.234130
38 0.079325 0.045981 0.278108
39 -0.080389 0.065231 0.266857
40 -0.054088 0.077878 0.323161
41 -0.007729 0.053539 0.225587
42 0.022046 0.054264 0.231333
43 0.062683 0.063713 0.274862
v = data.loc[:6].values
((v[1:] - v[:-1])**2).sum(axis = 1)**.5
array([0.03353885, 0.03033577, 0.0326638 , 0.09532321, 0.16666463])
fig = plt.figure()
#ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
plt.plot(data.tx, data.ty, "or-")
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
plt.imshow(imaxis, origin = "lower")
plt.plot(np.array(corners)[:, 0, 0,0], np.array(corners)[:, 0, 0,1], "or")
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
fig = plt.figure()
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
a = np.arange(50)
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
       17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
       34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49])
import pickle
f = open("truc.pckl", "wb")
pickle.dump(a, f)
f = open("truc.pckl", "rb")
b = pickle.load(f)
b == a
array([ True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
        True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
        True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
        True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
        True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
        True,  True,  True,  True,  True], dtype=bool)
corners = np.array(corners)
data2 = pd.DataFrame({"px": corners[:, 0, 0, 1],
                      "py": corners[:, 0, 0, 0]}, index = ids.flatten())
px py
0 177.324295 222.723907
1 174.117722 448.426971
5 165.167435 1385.455933
6 292.872223 348.533112
7 290.211761 572.901550
8 286.861359 800.593140
9 285.043823 1029.405640
10 284.054932 1261.753418
11 406.743347 250.763550
12 405.577484 469.121307
13 402.066681 691.525330
14 398.973602 918.603577
16 397.476105 1371.831177
17 514.600769 374.230682
18 512.135010 590.534302
19 509.453247 809.594849
20 507.959595 1029.593262
21 507.521088 1253.295044
22 615.594482 280.054901
23 614.357056 490.602081
24 613.074951 704.512085
25 611.417297 922.586426
26 611.085632 1139.391602
27 611.036255 1359.634644
28 716.764465 397.975067
29 716.205688 606.338318
30 714.187927 817.897095
31 713.494141 1029.665405
32 713.155762 1244.999390
33 811.479309 305.960754
34 811.358704 509.836670
35 810.507996 716.540955
36 810.085144 926.713257
37 810.013611 1135.423462
38 810.014771 1347.564697
39 906.448242 420.143951
40 906.174988 621.917664
41 905.748413 825.513733
42 906.083923 1029.803955
43 906.387878 1237.707520
m0 = data2.loc[0]
m43 = data2.loc[43]
d01 = ((m0 - m43).values**2).sum()**.5
d = 42.5e-3 * (3.5**2 + 4.5**2)**.5
factor = d / d01
data2["x"] = data2.px * factor
data2["y"] = * factor
((data2[["x", "y"]].loc[11] - data2[["x", "y"]].loc[0]).values**2).sum()**.5
c = np.array(corners).astype(np.float64).reshape(44,4,2)
(((c[:, 1:] - c[:, :-1])**2).sum(axis = 2)**.5).mean(axis =1)
array([ 138.33575835,  143.00113377,  142.012097  ,  140.69699432,
        146.66782406,  144.02442319,  138.67845434,  142.33812925,
        143.00229095,  140.33926025,  140.35356753,  146.66786569,
        139.34054504,  146.67222201,  140.03570454,  148.01939184,
        143.35647769,  142.67236143,  147.01931296,  148.02127735,
        137.67392157,  135.35308209,  141.00354688,  143.67946992,
        137.67149733,  138.67392207,  145.00112611,  142.33454105,
        138.3466791 ,  143.00234925,  139.0035972 ,  143.00115739,
        143.6865917 ,  144.67964727,  144.33446711,  141.67253496,
        143.67117097,  147.67232772,  150.35663387,  141.70034559,
        149.01342342,  146.01949591,  144.34013329,  150.35333222])
array([[[ 2406.,  1940.],
        [ 2546.,  1940.],
        [ 2545.,  2075.],
        [ 2405.,  2076.]],

       [[ 1991.,  1938.],
        [ 2138.,  1939.],
        [ 2138.,  2076.],
        [ 1993.,  2076.]],

       [[ 1584.,  1936.],
        [ 1728.,  1936.],
        [ 1731.,  2073.],
        [ 1586.,  2072.]],

       [[ 2619.,  1735.],
        [ 2759.,  1735.],
        [ 2754.,  1878.],
        [ 2615.,  1877.]],

       [[ 2198.,  1734.],
        [ 2347.,  1734.],
        [ 2346.,  1878.],
        [ 2199.,  1878.]],

       [[  973.,  1733.],
        [ 1117.,  1731.],
        [ 1121.,  1874.],
        [  976.,  1875.]],

       [[  572.,  1732.],
        [  710.,  1732.],
        [  713.,  1874.],
        [  577.,  1873.]],

       [[ 2410.,  1533.],
        [ 2554.,  1533.],
        [ 2552.,  1672.],
        [ 2408.,  1672.]],

       [[ 1373.,  1326.],
        [ 1519.,  1325.],
        [ 1519.,  1463.],
        [ 1374.,  1464.]],

       [[ 1785.,  1326.],
        [ 1926.,  1324.],
        [ 1927.,  1463.],
        [ 1786.,  1463.]],

       [[ 2627.,  1323.],
        [ 2767.,  1324.],
        [ 2763.,  1464.],
        [ 2622.,  1464.]],

       [[ 2200.,  1324.],
        [ 2350.,  1324.],
        [ 2349.,  1463.],
        [ 2198.,  1463.]],

       [[  760.,  1128.],
        [  901.,  1127.],
        [  903.,  1265.],
        [  764.,  1266.]],

       [[ 1988.,  1123.],
        [ 2138.,  1121.],
        [ 2138.,  1261.],
        [ 1988.,  1262.]],

       [[  547.,   920.],
        [  687.,   918.],
        [  692.,  1058.],
        [  552.,  1059.]],

       [[ 2203.,   910.],
        [ 2354.,   908.],
        [ 2351.,  1050.],
        [ 2200.,  1052.]],

       [[ 2631.,   908.],
        [ 2775.,   906.],
        [ 2771.,  1050.],
        [ 2629.,  1050.]],

       [[  750.,   708.],
        [  890.,   707.],
        [  892.,   855.],
        [  752.,   855.]],

       [[ 2419.,   695.],
        [ 2565.,   693.],
        [ 2563.,   842.],
        [ 2417.,   845.]],

       [[  946.,   494.],
        [ 1093.,   491.],
        [ 1096.,   642.],
        [  950.,   643.]],

       [[ 1181.,  1936.],
        [ 1319.,  1935.],
        [ 1321.,  2073.],
        [ 1184.,  2072.]],

       [[  780.,  1935.],
        [  916.,  1935.],
        [  920.,  2070.],
        [  785.,  2070.]],

       [[ 1788.,  1731.],
        [ 1928.,  1732.],
        [ 1929.,  1876.],
        [ 1790.,  1875.]],

       [[ 1378.,  1731.],
        [ 1521.,  1730.],
        [ 1524.,  1873.],
        [ 1379.,  1874.]],

       [[  771.,  1533.],
        [  909.,  1533.],
        [  911.,  1671.],
        [  774.,  1671.]],

       [[ 1176.,  1533.],
        [ 1315.,  1532.],
        [ 1317.,  1669.],
        [ 1177.,  1670.]],

       [[ 1989.,  1532.],
        [ 2137.,  1532.],
        [ 2137.,  1671.],
        [ 1989.,  1670.]],

       [[ 1581.,  1531.],
        [ 1726.,  1531.],
        [ 1727.,  1669.],
        [ 1583.,  1669.]],

       [[  560.,  1329.],
        [  700.,  1328.],
        [  703.,  1465.],
        [  565.,  1466.]],

       [[  966.,  1328.],
        [ 1112.,  1327.],
        [ 1113.,  1465.],
        [  968.,  1465.]],

       [[ 1169.,  1127.],
        [ 1309.,  1126.],
        [ 1310.,  1264.],
        [ 1171.,  1265.]],

       [[ 1579.,  1124.],
        [ 1723.,  1123.],
        [ 1723.,  1263.],
        [ 1578.,  1263.]],

       [[ 2415.,  1120.],
        [ 2560.,  1119.],
        [ 2556.,  1261.],
        [ 2412.,  1261.]],

       [[  956.,   919.],
        [ 1103.,   918.],
        [ 1106.,  1058.],
        [  959.,  1059.]],

       [[ 1367.,   917.],
        [ 1514.,   916.],
        [ 1514.,  1056.],
        [ 1368.,  1056.]],

       [[ 1784.,   914.],
        [ 1926.,   912.],
        [ 1926.,  1053.],
        [ 1784.,  1054.]],

       [[ 1160.,   706.],
        [ 1302.,   706.],
        [ 1304.,   854.],
        [ 1163.,   854.]],

       [[ 1574.,   703.],
        [ 1722.,   702.],
        [ 1722.,   850.],
        [ 1575.,   852.]],

       [[ 1991.,   699.],
        [ 2142.,   697.],
        [ 2138.,   847.],
        [ 1988.,   848.]],

       [[  539.,   499.],
        [  677.,   496.],
        [  681.,   644.],
        [  542.,   646.]],

       [[ 1360.,   490.],
        [ 1508.,   488.],
        [ 1510.,   639.],
        [ 1362.,   641.]],

       [[ 1784.,   486.],
        [ 1928.,   483.],
        [ 1926.,   635.],
        [ 1784.,   637.]],

       [[ 2637.,   479.],
        [ 2778.,   480.],
        [ 2776.,   630.],
        [ 2634.,   629.]],

       [[ 2207.,   481.],
        [ 2356.,   478.],
        [ 2356.,   629.],
        [ 2205.,   632.]]])
Help on built-in function detectMarkers:

    detectMarkers(image, dictionary[, corners[, ids[, parameters[, rejectedImgPoints]]]]) -> corners, ids, rejectedImgPoints